Amateur Musicianship: Splendeurs et Misères

February 2019 In my young days I toyed with the idea of becoming a professional musician.  It didn't take long before I realized that was a bad idea if I wanted to make a living because I was an outlier in the musical scene, not somebody with a posh office in the downtown business district.  I studied early music and specialized in the harpsichord.  Since the majority of people I encountered in the USA at [...]

2019-02-21T23:39:26+00:00By |Culture and Arts|0 Comments

Out and About Around Iloilo

February 2019 (click on the gallery images to open the full-size photo) It's finally summer here in Iloilo.  I say "summer" with a big LOL after the word because it's ALWAYS summer here for somebody like me, a former denizen of the Bitter North in the USA.  My relatives are currently under a foot of snow and freezing their tushes off.  Half an hour ago I walked to the mall in short sleeves.  Yeehaw.  [...]

2019-04-01T09:30:03+00:00By |Philippines|Comments Off on Out and About Around Iloilo

Has the Presidency Become Too Powerful?

February 2019 The question in the title would be timely even if the "T" word had never become such a fixture in our public life.  The past two years have simply forced an issue that's been brewing for a good while.  It's astonishing, really, that nobody has tackled it earlier since it sticks out like a sore thumb.  What we see playing out before our eyes in real-time is the contest between a traditional conception [...]

2019-02-22T02:57:53+00:00By |Social Commentary|Comments Off on Has the Presidency Become Too Powerful?

The Young Rebecca West: the Writer as Pit Bull

February 2019 The reputation of Rebecca West has trailed off drastically since her death in 1983.  In her prime she was considered a very Big Deal, justifiably so.  Having read many of her works dating from all periods of her active life as a writer, it's clear to me that she was one of England's textual powerhouses over her entire career.  Black Lamb and Grey Falcon, her account of travel in the former Yugoslavia and [...]

2019-02-07T11:54:07+00:00By |Culture and Arts|0 Comments
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