Fiery Filigree: An Appreciation of Edna St. Vincent Millay

February 2020 In her own day Edna St. Vincent Millay was a Big Deal.  She won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1923 at the age of 31, which is proof enough that she was a literary rock star.  But 1923 is a long time ago and tastes change.  The popularity of writers waxes and wanes and Millay's fortunes waned even during her lifetime. It's been donkey's years since I became familiar with her work, [...]

2020-02-23T15:18:18+00:00By |Culture and Arts|Comments Off on Fiery Filigree: An Appreciation of Edna St. Vincent Millay

Art and the Flaws of the Human Collective

February 2020 With the ghastly muddle that is current politics in the USA in the forefront of attention these days, my thoughts turned recently to a section from Rebecca West's masterpiece Black Lamb and Grey Falcon, her recounting of world history using the framework of a trip through the former Yugoslavia in the 1930's.  The section that kept being triggered by the news comes from the epilogue.  Now, epilogues are usually short summings up of [...]

2020-02-16T19:10:40+00:00By |Culture and Arts|Comments Off on Art and the Flaws of the Human Collective

Thailand: Doi Saket near Chiang Mai

February 2020 Looking through some pics of a stay in Chiang Mai I made a few years ago brought me face to face with a set of photos I took on a day trip to Doi Saket, about 20km (12 miles) northeast of Chiang Mai.  I was the passenger on my friend's motorbike, as I was so often wont to be.  Hanging on to the back of a motorbike while going down the highway [...]

2020-03-04T21:17:57+00:00By |Thailand|Comments Off on Thailand: Doi Saket near Chiang Mai

Warm Winds of Winter

February 2020 Having spent the greater part of the last 10 years either in the Middle East or in the tropics I've managed to escape the rigors of winter for a good while.  That's exactly what I wanted, since winter is no friend of mine.  I grew up with it in my corner of the Bitter North and remember only too well below-zero temps in January and snow so deep we had paths between the [...]

2021-05-30T05:56:39+00:00By |USA|Comments Off on Warm Winds of Winter
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