Travels in the Yucatan: Merida and Dzibilchaltun

September 2019 I've been in Merida less than a week but I already feel like an expert.  There's a good reason for that: there's not much there there.  That may seem to some a summary dismissal of The White City, but after driving through it from one end to the other for nearly a week I have the evidence of my own eyes as corroboration.  My experience leads me to wonder what controlled substance [...]

2019-10-01T02:20:30+00:00By |Mexico|Comments Off on Travels in the Yucatan: Merida and Dzibilchaltun

Unsung Superstars of the Early Baroque – Part 2

September 2019 Here we go with the second half of the post about early Baroque period composers who should be household names but through no fault of their own have been shunted to the sidelines of musical history and modern appreciation.  If I let myself go -- and I won't, don't worry -- this would be the place to go on a tirade about how skewed perception of the Baroque period is compared to the [...]

2019-09-09T02:52:34+00:00By |Culture and Arts|Comments Off on Unsung Superstars of the Early Baroque – Part 2

Unsung Superstars of the Early Baroque – Part 1

September 2019 A look at the listings under the menu rubric Culture and Arts might lead you to think I'm obsessed with music of the Baroque period.  BINGO!  I've been a devotee since my teens and the force of the attraction hasn't abated in the slightest over the course of my lifetime.  If, on the other hand, you held me at gunpoint and commanded me to name five operas by Verdi, I'd likely not live [...]

2019-09-02T13:25:34+00:00By |Culture and Arts|Comments Off on Unsung Superstars of the Early Baroque – Part 1
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