Tea with Mrs. Dalloway

August 2019 Having tea with Mrs. Dalloway is always interesting.  One never quite knows these days what mood she'll be in or what will come out of her mouth -- if anything at all.  Sometimes conversation lapses and she has that look of peering into the distance at something pleasant that blots out all the inconveniences of the present.  I don't mind -- it gives me a chance to reflect inwardly myself.  Sometimes that's better [...]

2019-08-24T13:15:05+00:00By |Culture and Arts|Comments Off on Tea with Mrs. Dalloway

Travels in the Coffee Triangle: Post-Trip Debriefing

August 2019 I can't say the time passed quickly during my two months in Colombia -- not because it dragged along like it had gone limp in one foot, quite the contrary. It's because there was so much experience and awareness packed into the time that it seemed much longer.  That's a good thing when you're my age -- every extension of the chronological path into the future helps. :-) My purpose in this post [...]

2019-08-18T08:06:26+00:00By |Colombia|Comments Off on Travels in the Coffee Triangle: Post-Trip Debriefing

Travels in the Coffee Triangle: The Belalcázar Loop

August 2019 Belalcázar has a single claim to fame: a HUGE statue of Christ the King.  The English Wikipedia page on the town is a pathetic one-sentence affair enough to make any encyclopedist worth his or her salt hang his or her head in shame.  Peeshaw.  So we turn once again to the Spanish Wikipedia page (here) and do a bit of translation: Conocido como "El Balcón del Paisaje" es un destino para cualquier [...]

2021-01-18T16:08:33+00:00By |Colombia|Comments Off on Travels in the Coffee Triangle: The Belalcázar Loop

Travels in the Coffee Triangle: A Ramble Through Quindío – Pt 2

July 2019 In this second part of our ramble through Quindío Department we're going a bit further afield to the southeastern edge of the area.  I'll also give you the lowdown on my coffee farm hotel experience so you get an idea about that accommodation option here in the Coffee Triangle -- it's all the rage and has everything to recommend it as long as you choose strategically.  The towns involved are Córdoba and [...]

2019-08-04T12:11:13+00:00By |Colombia|Comments Off on Travels in the Coffee Triangle: A Ramble Through Quindío – Pt 2
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