Capitalism: Excedrin Headache No. 99

October 2018 If you're an American like me you hear very little dinner table talk about capitalism because in the USA it's conflated with Creation.  Now there's a spot of ideological hegemony you'd be hard pressed to outdo.  In the States capitalism is just there, ostensibly God-given and unassailable, like weather.  It's a different story in Europe, of course, because of its longer history and experiential acquaintance with other economic systems.  There's a socialist stream of [...]

2019-04-03T08:41:06+00:00By |Social Commentary|0 Comments

An Ecstasy of Irritability: an Appreciation of Brian Sewell

October 2018 Brian Sewell is one of those English national treasures that doesn't export well, like unpasteurized cheese.  The problem in Sewell's case is the universe of reference he inhabited.  If one thinks of England from the standpoint of "high culture" it's really a very small place.  A handful of luminaries occupies the cultural firmament that has much of the "old boy" element about it even now.  There's only one firmament, as well -- in [...]

2021-03-09T05:50:49+00:00By |Culture and Arts|0 Comments

The Fuerza de San Pedro in Cebu

October 2018 During a recent trip to Cebu I revisited my favorite tourist spot there, the Fuerza de San Pedro (Wikipedia page here).  With a few more photos now in the gallery, I'm ready to do a post on it.  To be honest, Cebu is not chock-a-block with historical sites despite having been squarely in the picture when the Spanish first arrived lo these many years ago.  Ferdinand Magellan met his end in 1521 [...]

2018-12-27T21:57:08+00:00By |Philippines|0 Comments

Women Composers before 1800: an Appreciation

October 2018 The difficulty women composers have faced over the course of history surpasses my ability to imagine as it must have been in lived experience.  Music, curiously enough, has remained one of the most persistent bastions of old boydom to the point that even today one scans the field straining for signs of famous female composers.  For an overview of women composers by time period, check out the list (here) by Oxford Music Online.  [...]

2021-03-03T18:59:08+00:00By |Culture and Arts|0 Comments
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