A Charmed Life: an Appreciation of Patrick Leigh Fermor

May 2019 For the past few weeks my Kindle fare has come largely from the pen of Patrick Leigh Fermor, hereafter for the sake of brevity PLF.  My first introduction to his work took place about five years ago when I read A Time of Gifts, his extraordinary recounting of travel as a teenager across a Europe that has long since disappeared.  Quite apart from the brilliance of the writing itself -- PLF is a [...]

2021-04-04T22:55:58+00:00By |Culture and Arts|Comments Off on A Charmed Life: an Appreciation of Patrick Leigh Fermor

Little-Known Organ Composers To Love

May 2019 My personal history with organ music goes back almost 50 years.  When I was in high school in a rural town of 1,500 in the boondocks of the Pacific Northwest I wrote a letter in German to the organist of the cathedral in Schleswig, Germany (St.-Petri-Dom zu Schleswig) because I was so enthralled with a recording I'd bought of Bach organ works played on the Marcussen organ there.  Lo and behold I got [...]

2021-04-20T05:47:22+00:00By |Culture and Arts|Comments Off on Little-Known Organ Composers To Love
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