Climate Change as a Personal Agenda

December 2018 At the beginning of this year the amount of substantive material in the mainstream media about climate change was scant.  That changed in the second half of the year with headlines about it popping up all over the place.  Even now you have to squeeze past the controversy to get to the information itself.  Going straight to the Science Guys doesn't guarantee success, either, because -- no big surprise -- we're crap at [...]

2018-12-27T21:56:38+00:00By |Social Commentary|0 Comments

Shifting Perspective 3: Humans and the Microcosm

December 2018 When you learn the facts of the situation, it's really quite humbling.  Microorganisms make up about 60% of the biomass on the Planet's surface.  They thrive in an astonishing variety of environments.  They've been around for nearly 4 billion years of the Planet's 4.5 billion year history.  Their biochemical processes are worthy of a PhD and their metabolic repertoires encompass substances across an enormous spectrum, including some that would kill us humans in [...]

2018-12-27T21:56:38+00:00By |Social Commentary|0 Comments

Link Post for “Horkheimer, Adorno and Business As Usual 40 Years On”

This post provides link resources for the blog post available here. A PDF of Horkheimer's full essay "Traditionelle und kritische Theorie” in English translation is available here.  If you're up for the German original, try here. The major translation into English of Adorno's Minima Moralia is by E.F.N. Jephcott, published by Verso Press, that limey nest of leftist sympathizers.  The paperback is still in print and available through Amazon.  The German original is available through Bibliothek Suhrkamp on [...]

2018-12-27T21:56:38+00:00By |Link Posts|0 Comments

Shifting Perspective 2: Humans and the Cosmos

December 2018 My interest in astronomy goes back donkey's years.  During a respite from the work world between 2007 and 2010 I had time to dig into the subject in greater depth than ever before and went hog wild learning all I could, devouring popular science books on the subject with great voracity.  I also read widely in quantum theory and cosmology.  It's all absolutely riveting no matter what scale of reality you choose to [...]

2018-12-27T21:56:38+00:00By |Social Commentary|0 Comments
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