Camiguin: A Taste of the South Seas in the Philippines

May 2018 The islands of the Philippines offer such diversity of topography and landscape that travel within the country can keep your bucket list filled up for quite a while.  The large islands such as Luzon and Mindanao are like small countries in themselves, with all the diversity of landscape and culture one could wish for.  Even the smaller main islands such as Panay and Negros have that same variety on offer, although they accomplish [...]

2020-06-29T15:59:26+00:00By |Philippines|0 Comments

Cotswolds With Coconuts: Damires Hills, Janijuay, Iloilo

April 2018 Landscape, Damires Hills, Janijuay You may think I'm having another of my senior moments when you read the title for this piece, but I swear, if you go there you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.  Don't ask me how someplace in the boondocks of Panay Island in the Philippines calls up such strong associations with the Cotswolds, I have no answers for you.  I'm just reporting the facts, Bridget, so [...]

2018-12-27T21:57:41+00:00By |Philippines|0 Comments

Bucari: In the Alps of Iloilo

April 2018 Mountains near Bucari I will own it: there may be a degree of hyperbole in the title for this post.  There are no Matterhorns on display, no eternal snows (thank heavens!), nothing that a hiker with a good pair of boots and a few hours to spare can't conquer, so yes, "Alps" may be overstating the case a bit.  But if like me you spend most of your time in [...]

2018-12-27T21:57:42+00:00By |Philippines|0 Comments

I Got That Ole Time Irony Way Down In My Heart

April 2018 Holy guacamole, Batman. This is really upsetting. It's all Virginia's fault -- Woolf I mean, we've discussed the various possibilities for her culpability elsewhere. There I was, innocently reading an essay of hers about the uniqueness of de Quincey's prose style, and BAM, it hit me. There's not a drop, not a smidgen, not even a teensy weensy little bit of irony anywhere in her essay. The tone is uniformly calm, cool, elegant, [...]

2018-12-27T21:57:42+00:00By |Social Commentary|0 Comments

Horkheimer, Adorno and Business As Usual 40 Years On

April 2018 View of Jaro, Iloilo (see the Links page for pointers to resources mentioned in this post) Die kritische Theorie erklärt: es muss nicht so sein, die Menschen können das Sein ändern, die Umstände dafür sind jetzt vorhanden. (Critical theory declares: things need not be so, people can change how life is, the conditions for change are present now.) Max Horkheimer, "Traditionelle und kritische Theorie" This quotation from Max Horkheimer (all translations [...]

2021-04-01T17:23:42+00:00By |Social Commentary|0 Comments

Bugger Bach, Let’s Hear Something FUN

April 2018 The iconoclastic wave has swept over me today once again and I can't keep my mouth shut. So let me say it plain and simple: bugger Bach, let's listen to something else for a change why don't we?  The unsung heroes of the Baroque period are as numerous as sands on the shore, and if I hear one more time that Bach is the be all and end all of Baroque music, I'll [...]

2021-02-18T20:04:04+00:00By |Culture and Arts|0 Comments

Virginia Woolf and the Cultivation of Consciousness

April 2018 This morning as I sat on my balcony a curious thought occurred to me.  I'd been reading some of Woolf's essays, which for these several months have been my daily food. Thinking about her intellectual and linguistic poise, I wondered how she managed to hold that stance through the course of a life that was anything but serene, the diametric opposite of placid and for most of its latter years not terribly exciting.  [...]

2021-02-17T19:44:49+00:00By |Culture and Arts|0 Comments
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