A Piece of Thailand in San Joaquin: Assemblage Point

March  2018 One of the great pleasures of travel is coming across something unexpected that brings a frisson of pleasure at the discovery. The usual Western approach, of course, is to plan one's delights carefully so they occur in  measured progression over the allotted period of travel. When you're spending a king's ransom on a trip, such methods are perfectly justifiable. It would hardly do to leave things to chance because chance is notoriously disinterested [...]

2018-12-27T21:58:05+00:00By |Philippines|0 Comments

Dhi Ayn, the Marble Village (Al Baha, Saudi Arabia)

Stonework, Dhi Ayn, Saudi Arabia I mentioned in the post about the mountains of Saudi Arabia that a special trip from Al Baha down to the Tihama took me and the friend I travelled with to the so-called "Marble Village", Dhi Ayn, or Dhee Ayn, choose your spelling because nobody has the final answer when it comes to transliterating Arabic. The village was only on the periphery of my friend's awareness, not squarely [...]

2018-12-27T21:58:05+00:00By |Middle East|0 Comments

The Mountains of Saudi Arabia

March 2018 Mountains have been very much in my mind lately as I plan trips to visit montane areas here on the islands of Panay and Negros in PH. There are fantastic mountain ranges on both islands, and since I've been a mountain-dweller from my tenderest years they always draw me more than the beach scene. People I meet always say, "Oh sir, you need to go to Boracay!" Do I indeed? Does it [...]

2018-12-27T21:58:06+00:00By |Middle East|0 Comments
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